Our Selection Process

We open up new Grade 1 registrations each year to our local community, Imizamo Yethu.

Hundreds apply, but we can only select a small number, assessing the level of need.

Once chosen, our iKhaya kids stay with us from Grade 1 up to Grade 7.

They are some of the most vulnerable children in the community, and their families are fully reliant on the care that iKhaya provides daily and all year round.

These kids are the reason we do everything we do.

They are our future leaders, plumbers, teachers, nurses, doctors, social workers or pilots… if we give them the backing they deserve.

Our iKhaya kids have hopes and dreams for the future, and it’s our mission that they leave our care with everything they need to make their plans come to fruition.

Will you take responsibility for the next generation with us? #bethechange